Friday, June 7, 2013

Suspension packaging

The great thing about a brand new design is the design latitude.  The bad thing about a brand new design is... the design latitude. Making everything fit properly is never an easy task, and often requires you to take a step back and look for some very creative options.

With the help of susprog, I think I've finished the first iteration of the suspension packaging. 

The front was relatively easy - I was able to get the motion ratios required and the ARB packaging with pullrods without too much issue.
 The rear on the other hand is much more difficult because of the addition of a driveshaft, frame limitations, aero limitations, and rim clearance.  However, everything fits, the min clearance at static is slightly less than 0.1" (cutting it close, I know), so a lot of the success of this design relies on good tolerances and properly jigging parts during construction.

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